Waseela played a primary role in kicking off the first

“My Communication Annual Conference” #MCTC by My Communication Academy

Waseela played a primary role in kicking off the first “My Communication Annual Conference” #MCTC by My Communication Academy

31st of May 2022, Amman, Jordan, Waseela has been invited by “My Communication Academy” on the 24th of May, 2022 to play a key role in kicking off the first annual conference #MCTC in Al-Ahliyya Amman University, with the presence of leaders from the Telecommunication Regulatory Commission “TRC” of Jordan, in addition to several leaders in the telecom industry; from the government sector, universities departments’ heads of telecommunication, and private sector, and over 250 students from universities around the kingdom.

The conference aims to connect telecom emerging graduates, with the industry leaders for advice and to grasp a closer look at where the telecom industry is heading, what trends are arising in the MENA market, the potential opportunities, and how to formulate the knowledge and accreditation to hack into the industry; which all represents valuable pillars for students to build the proper awareness ahead of their career.

Waseela played a primary role in kicking off the first “My Communication Annual Conference” #MCTC by My Communication Academy

Waseela as a leading systems integrator in the region since 2007, played a primary role in the success of the event, presented by the country manager of Jordan “Eng. Mahmoud Quraan” and the participation of the senior engineers: Ashraf Al Mahasneh and Firas Al Sabbah. Where Eng. Mahmoud Quraan took a considerable part of the conference to present an overview of the MENA Telecom market, sharing extensive experience and knowledge on the direction of the telecom industry, both locally and globally.

Waseela also opened the door for telecom emerging graduates to apply for internships that lead to permanent full-time jobs at Waseela, with the management and support of “My Communication Academy”.

About My Communication:

My Communication Company is a telecommunication academy, established in 2019 in London, and listed in “England Ministry of Industry”.

The company established its second brand in Amman, Jordan in 2021, under the name of “Basis of Communication” Training and Digital Marketing; the company has started with several agreements with the government and private sector.

To learn more visit: www.my-communication.com